
No word, no thought...

Young women and young men
Forgive us if you can
Abandon your best friends
Demanding, detriment (detriment)

Leaving your lover home waiting
Putting much faith in her patience
Don't fool yourself it's not endless
Phone calls are poor consolations

We've abandoned our best friends

Leaving your lover home waiting
Putting much faith in her patience
Don't fool yourself it's not endless
Phone calls are poor consolations

We've abandoned our best friends

2 commenti:

Manq ha detto...

Last words you scream to me, you don't expect too much of me
cause I could give you anything if I just could be myself.
It's like that all the time, first I say that you're OK then I go my way again
you're so desperate but still mine.

Bri ha detto...

I need you so much closer...